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Located in downtown Mocksville, First Baptist is a family of Christians deeply desiring to love Jesus and love our community. We could tell you we are a friendly church, and we are. We could tell you that we welcome you to join us, and we do. We could tell you that you will find Biblical truth and teaching here, and you will. Most of all though we want to invite you to experience God among us. Come and see! Come and be a part of God moving in Davie County and beyond!
8:30am Contemporary Worship * 9:45am Sunday School * 11am Traditional Worship

John Johnson
Harry Hatcher
Brad Ratledge
Matt Brusseau
Lead Pastor
Next Generation
Ministry Leader
Contemporary Service
Worship Leader
A/V Coordinator

Kellyann Diaz
Lee Rollins
Financial Secretary
Traditional Service
Worship Leader

Nancy Campbell
Administrative Assistant
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