What's Happening @ FBC
​ Check out the events for the week of 1/12/2025
Our Weekly Schedule
8:30a Contemporary Worship Service (in the CORE)
9:30a Fellowship
9:45a Sunday School for All Ages
11:00a Traditional Worship Service (in the Sanctuary)
7:00p Facebook Live Bible Study
6:30p Discipleship Classes (please check our events)
Find Your Place to Jump In!!
* Missions Team Meeting – Sunday, January 19th following the second service (lunch will be provided).
* Traditional Service Choir/Special Music—Lee Rollins would like to meet with all those interested in choir and special music for the 11 a.m. worship service. Please meet in the church sanctuary at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 22nd. Lee will conclude the meeting by 6:15 p.m. to transition to 6:30 p.m. discipleship.
* AV Help - Please contact Matt Brusseau (mattfbcmocksville@gmail.com) if you are interested in learning to assist with sound and video for Sunday services.
* Quarterly Business Meeting - Sunday, January 26th - Business meeting will be held in the CORE immediately following the 8:30am service.
* Inclement Weather Information - Inclement weather closings will be announced on WXII 12 News, FOX 8 News, and FBC's Facebook page.
* MEN’S NIGHT – Thursday, February 6th at Paul Gale’s barn (482 Powell Rd, Mocksville). We will eat around 6:00pm but you may come as early as 5:30 for fellowship. Please contact Paul at 704-806-7404 if you have questions or need more information.
* SOUP'ER BOWL PARTY – Sunday, February 9th at 6:00pm in the CORE. We will watch the game and fellowship. You can stay to watch the entire game or stop by for fellowship and snacks.
* KIDSWALK - Sunday School Classes begin at 9:45am.
Parents join our Kid's Walk Remind app at https://www.remind.com/join/fbckidswa​​
* FACEBOOK LIVE BIBLE STUDY - Join Pastor John on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm for Bible study.​
* DISCIPLESHIP CLASSES - Will resume at 6:30pm on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
Ladies Class (Room 203B)
“12 Daring Women of the Bible”- this study helps us find courage to step out of the ordinary and follow God through a life that is never just easy and kind. As you study these 12 women, walk with them through victories and failure, doubts and faith, distractions and focus and so much more. Touching on real themes we deal with each day. This study will grow your strength and hope to be a daring follower of Jesus.
Pastor's Class (CORE)
“The Life You've Always Wanted”- if you have been around church, you've heard the messages, read the passages and heard the stories of people who have grown, changed, been transformed and had the strength to face down their demons. But too often it sounds like they are talking about a different Christianity than you know and have lived. This study will draw you into a world of change, growth, hope, and real life living of our faith.
Senior Adults - Contact Linda Lenoard at 336-909-2370​​​​